Wednesday, January 23, 2008


After months of debate and discussion. We took the plunge and leased a new car for Matt. As much as we loved his 10 year old Jeep Wrangler w/ 150 thousand miles on it and no passenger side heat – we needed a safe snow car!

After 6 hours of negotiations at the “no haggle” car dealership and almost walking out the door we got them down to our bottom line price. Despite the fact we were told over and over again that it would not be possible and they were putting everything out there and blah blah blah blah…We made a good team and played these guys well because in the end at 11:15pm we got everything we wanted. Buying a car is a funny experience and in Colorado its illegal on Sundays – probably because its about the shadiest / sketchiest business there is☺


lisa said...

LOVE the new car! Way to play hardball in your negotiations! :)

Nadine said...

LOVE it! Good job negotiating (teach me! I suck!)